On his way to work a builder mails a letter that will arrive in a little mountain village. It includes news and impressions of the big city (Rome) and of the men who go there in search of work. ...
A film that portrays the time on Earth that starts with the appearance of large reptiles and ends with the arrival of man. It discusses dinosaurs and the circumstances of their evolution, expans...
This documentary revisits the elements of Guido Gozzano’s poetry, in particular Signorina Felicita and spots in Agliè (province of Turin), the villa “meleto” and the “rifugio” that we...
Laborers working for more than eight hours a day in mines must protect themselves against silica dust, the poison of miners that can lead to silicosis or cancer. We follow an Italian laborer in ...
The film depicts a unique time period on Earth, which starts with the appearance of man and ends with the invention of writing: pre-history.
Activity in a cement works.
Un viaggio tra le province di Viterbo e Roma alla scoperta dei luoghi in cui d’estate si eseguono concerti di musica classica, sulle note del poema sinfonico I pini di Roma di Ottorino Respigh...
The effects of the housing problem in postwar Italy, especcially in the outskirts of the big cities where thousands of families live in barracks, refusges or improvised, unhealthy situations. To solve...
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Militari - Ritratti - Uomini - Armi
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Militari - Gruppi - Uomini - Automobili
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Donne - Bambini - Militari - Ritratti - Uomini - Automobili
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Donne - Bambini - Militari - Ritratti - Uomini - Automobili
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Uomini - Donne - Bambini - Edifici - Portici
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Ritratti - Uomini - Montagna - Neve
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Ritratti - Donne - Montagna - Neve
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Uomini - Lavoro