Austin armoured cars stand on the bridge, covering it with machine guns, as trams pass along and German civilians go about their business. (Note the British official photographer J Warwick Brooke at w...
In World War I, Romania is still neutral. In Bucharest, people demonstrate for entering the war alongside the Entante and freeing the Romanians from Transylvania. Mares, the leader of the Students’ ...
Crowds of people are shown queuing outside the banks in the streets of Paris, as the immediate financial crisis before the outbreak of war threatens the French currency.The Grenadier Guards, in parade...
Supplying of civilians with grocery and food distribution against food vouchers at the time of World War I in Prague - unloading of cattle and pigs from wagons, food stores with food stored in sacks, ...
A sign in the town of Breisach, "1789-1918 Ici commence le pays de la Liberté", is shown to the camera. French and German soldiers converse and fraternise together quite happily on a bridge over the ...
I. 'RED CROSS WORK AT SALONIKA. An ambulance column moving over the mountain road to the Balkan Front'. MS over flat country to Australian troops on the march - all wear Red Cross armbands. Horse-draw...
A wooden house, the "Church Army Club and Military Church", with British and American troops wandering in front of it. Two permanent buildings, the Roberts Club (named after Field Marshal Lord Roberts...
A portrait shot of an unidentified junior officer of the Australian Light Horse. Next an inspection of 60th (London) Division by its commander, Major-General Sir John Shea, outside Jerusalem. Civilian...
Mobilization in Germany. Recruited soldiers in streets with civilians.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.