In Paris in 1918, refugees from the Somme exit Gare du Nord (North Station) with their luggage.
In Paris in 1917, cavalrymen march in the streets, a family follows a loved one's casket, Parisians bury Mr. Liard, and a soldier stands in front of a home.
In 1919, numerous soldiers arrive at Gare de l'Est (East Station). They line up in front of offices to be demobilized, then wait at clothing centers to return their packs.
In July 1918, during World War I, the streets of Paris seen from a tramway are calm, and the people, of which there are few, go about their business. On a sidewalk, city-dwellers stroll along and a so...
In October 1918, posters hung in the Paris streets implore passersby to subscribe to the fourth national loan to "regain all of France's sweet land." Parisians can see trophies of war such as the subm...
In August 1918, Parisians stand in line in front of the Félix Potin grocery store in order to get a few potatoes. On the sixth of the same month, others wait on Rue de Buci for some wine.
Paris, in September and October 1918. Captured Drahen balloons are displayed in the Tuileries Garden and on the Champs-Elysées. On the boulevards, Parisians can see the advances on the western front ...
From February 4 to 9, 1920, at the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées (Great Palace), the Société Centrale d'Aviculture de France (Central French Poultry Farming Society) exhibits the last of commande...
An Austrian soldier in underwear, three Russian soldiers around him.
Reunion of families after war. In the middle stand Tomeš, Janda and Bárta in uniforms of volunteers. Women sit behind and sons talk with fathers.
Volunteer Bárta (laborer) encounters his wife.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Janda´s son in the apron and volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
From the left: Volunteer Bárta in French uniform, volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
Tomeš encounters his wife and son after the return from the war. Tomeš hugs his son. His wife stands nearby and smiles at Janda and Bárta.
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform). Volunteers rest during their coming home.
Imperator Film GmbH, Wenn frei das Meer für deutsche Fahrt !, Der Kinematograph, 556, (1917), S. 30.
Walter Thielemann, Der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst und die Kinobranche, Der Kinematograph, 521/2 , (1916). Befürchtung, der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst könne die Kinobranche schwächen. Diese sei ab...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 563, (1917), S. 22. Ankündigung neuer Trickfilme zur Werbung für die Kriegsanleihe. Sie werden allesamt als sehr unterhaltsam und technisch gelungen beschrieb...
Universum Filmverleih, Die Waffen nieder, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 28-33.
Julius Sternheim, Propaganda-und Aufklärungsfilme, Der Kinematograph, 592, (1918), S. 12-14. Propagandafilme müssten maßgeblich eine Botschaft verfolgen, was sie oftmals zwangsläufig langatmig mac...
Hansa Filverleih GmbH, Luftkämpfe. Ein Tag bei einer Jagdstaffel im Westen, Der Kinematograph, 558, (1917), S. 19-21.
Notes on the film and its thematics (a fundraising event for the War Memorial).
2 film guides (brochures), 18 pages each, 1st. And 3rd. editions. Documentary about the ventriloquist and automata creator Francisco Sanz Baldoví, codirected by Maximiliano Thous and Sanz himself. It...