Doctor Archibald Reiss (1876-1929), a renowned Swiss criminologist was at the very beginning of the Great War sent by the International Court, on request of the Serbian government, as a member of comm...
Osamdesetogodišnji Živojin Lazić iz sela Stankovića kod Mionice, nekadašnji zastavnik i mitraljezac 17.og puka Drinske divizije iz I svetskog rata, punih pedeset pet godina je osluškivao nostalg...
Oath of the first recruits from the newly liberated Serbian regions, the soldiers of the Vardar regiment, started at 10 o`clock in the morning on the 13th April 1914 in the Lower Town of Kalemegdan Fo...
Parts of the newsreels from the period of 1914-1918. Major Vojislav Tankosic, whose extradition was requested by the Austro-Hungarian government in the ultimatum sent to Serbia, was filmed smoking a c...
Čitavih mesec dana je junak iz borbi na Kosovu i kod Bitolja iz Prvog Balkanskog rata, komandant Moravske divizije II poziva, pukovnik Milovan Nedić, vodio bespoštednu borbu sa Bugarima koja se n...
During the First Balkan War in 1912 the Serbian reconnoitre troop was bombed. The middle aged sergeant Đorđe saves his neighbour, seriously injured young man Gavrilo, the Cavalry second lieutenant. ...
In the last year of the World War I, a rebellion of the 71st Austro-Hungarian trench Infantry Regiment broke out, where Slovaks made a greater part of it, along with some Czechs. The soldiers of this ...
Reportaż filmowy o Polakach osiadłych we Francji po pierwszej wojnie światowej.
Girl and boy in folk costumes embrace each other on the meadow. Behind them stands the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
Girl and boy in folk costumes embrace each other on the meadow. Behind them stands the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
Student Jiří Voldán, after the mobilisation order of 1914, is called up to serve in the Austro-Hungarian army to fight against Russia. With his Czech and Slovak compatriots, he decides to cross to ...
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.
Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov) and his fiancée Maryša (actress: Suzanne Marwille) with the rifle.
Austrian military band
A group of Russian soldiers with fur hats, rifles and bayonets.
Mother of Jiří Voldán (actress: Marie Ptáková) in the female prison. Another women sit on the bed. At the door stands a soldier.
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
Voigt, Hildegard L.. "Die Hetze gegen die Lichtbildbühnen." Lichtbildbühne 23 (1913): 1-4. Die Kritiker des Kinos würden nur deren Auswüchse sehen, hätten aber nie ein anständiges Kino besucht. ...
Egon Jacobsohn, Ferdinand Lassalle, Der Kinematograph, 615, (1918), S. 18-30. Bericht von der Uraufführung in Berlin. Die Aufführung sei ein voller Erfolg gewesen, zumal es besonders gut in die Zeit...
Saturn Film AG, Rasputin. Drama in 5 Akten, Der Kinematograph, 553, (1917), S. 24.
P. Max Grempe, Deutsche und feindliche Kinopolitik im Weltkriege, Der Kinematograph, 515, (1916), S. 17-19. Erötertung der verkehrten Politik Deutschlands in Bezug auf das Kino. Die hohen Lustbarkeit...
National-Film-A.G., Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit !, Lichtbildbühne, 45, (1918).
Specator, Das letzte Jahr, Der Kinematograph, 472, (1916), S. 17-18. Jahresrückblick. Die deutsche Filmindustrie sei zur Großindustrie geworden. Die Aufklärungsarbeit der Wochenschauen im Ausland w...