I. The Lord Mayor of London holding a Christmas raffle for children at Harrods store, London, December 1917. II. A volunteer battalion of the Bedfordshire Regiment marching past, probably at Bedford, ...
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
King George V inspects Royal Marine cadets and officers of the Dover Patrol at Deal, 1917 (?).I. The King, in Field Marshal's uniform, with a number of Royal Marine officers also in khaki, inspects th...
Drill and musketry instruction. On sentry training British and French sentries together stop a staff car to check the occupants. Out in the country, the trainees cut brushwood for hurdles. They learn ...
A panorama of the city. Views of the main square taken from the area of Hellfire Corner. The Cloth Hall, most of it still intact. Exterior and interior scenes of the cathedral, showing the west door a...
The battlefield forms part of the British reserve line, and is still under intermittent German shellfire. The British assembly trenches, one with a very clean white cross "To An Unknown British Hero" ...
The marchers, in greatcoats and helmets, are very muddy. A considerably smarter marching column is passing the other way. The Newfoundlanders look as if they have just been taken out of the line, poss...
The show is of RFA horses and limbers being judged, a jumping contest, a view of the audience, which contains a large number of Italian as well as British officers, and more of the jumping.
Paul Wegener
Dita Parlo, Gustav Fröhlich
"Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam" (1920)
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Still from "Heimkehr"
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Paul Wegener, Pola Negri
Still from "Das Liebesbarometer"
Emil Perlmann, Wenn die Waffen ruhen...!, Der Kinematograph, 619, (1918). Erörterung der Lage der Filmindustrie angesichts des greifbaren Kriegsendes. Die Filmindustrie müsse den Kampf gegen die Zen...
Walter Thielemann, Der Film 1917, Der Kinematograph, 573, (1917), S. 12ff. Jahresrückblick. Positiv hervorgehoben wird die immer breitere Anerkennung, die dem Kino zuteil werde, da der immer mehr sei...
Colonia-Film-GmbH, Die Leute wollen mal wieder lachen !, Der Kinematograph, 508, (1916), S. 43.
Poldi Schmidl, Der Kinobesitzer als Staatsbeamter, Der Kinematograph, 607, (1918). Angesichts der geplanten Konzessionspflicht für Kinobesitzer wird die Möglichkeit einer Verstaatlichung der Filmind...
Deutsche Lichtbild Gesellschaft e.V., Die Arbeit unserer Heimarmee, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 11.
"'Um das grosse Erbe'. Aufhebung eines Filmverbots", Der Kinematograph, 549, (1917), S. 11-14.
Universum Filmverleih, Söhne des Volkes, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 3. "Der bisher unter dem Titel 'König des Lichts' angekündigte Film...der neue Film für die neue Zeit"
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 550, (1917), S. 15-17. Rezension aktueller Filme. Interessant ist, dass die russische Gesellschaft filmisch thematisiert wird. Karl Schneider,...