The men, in uniform and not visibly injured, come down the steps of the cathedral after visiting the tomb. The inside of the cathedral and the tomb itself are not shown.The crowd gathers round O'Leary...
A bard declaims, surrounded by the crowd in the castle ruins. The Gorsedd procession leads off, with a number of soldiers marching before the bards. Lloyd George arrives by car to the cheers of the cr...
Kaiser Wilhelm waits, wearing his Austrian field marshal's uniform, with his officers in the snow. Jump cut to Wilhelm greeting Karl beside his train just after his arrival. The two emperors arrive by...
Horses, along with their Austro-Hungarian handlers (mildly camera-conscious) rest beside a monastery which shows some shell damage. Other partly-destroyed buildings, including a village square and chu...
The balloon section lorries arrive at an area of flat ground and the men start to inflate the balloon. The inflated balloon stands ready to ascend. Horses, towing a car out of a patch of soft ground, ...
A captain demonstrates how the rifle grenade, which requires no cup, fits into the rifle. His men, using a trench periscope, fire the grenades from a trench. All are in shirtsleeves.
Newsreel ite...
Moroccan lancers and foot soldiers parade in the courtyard of a mud-walled fort, then march out into the desert for the coast.The young soldiers, and French Boy Scouts, march in salute past the statue...
A group of ostriches assembles with their trainers at a racetrack. One of the birds is fitted with a trotting harness, and then races "one mile in 2 minutes 10 seconds". It is taken out of the harness...
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
Voigt, Hildegard L.. "Die Hetze gegen die Lichtbildbühnen." Lichtbildbühne 23 (1913): 1-4. Die Kritiker des Kinos würden nur deren Auswüchse sehen, hätten aber nie ein anständiges Kino besucht. ...
Egon Jacobsohn, Ferdinand Lassalle, Der Kinematograph, 615, (1918), S. 18-30. Bericht von der Uraufführung in Berlin. Die Aufführung sei ein voller Erfolg gewesen, zumal es besonders gut in die Zeit...
Saturn Film AG, Rasputin. Drama in 5 Akten, Der Kinematograph, 553, (1917), S. 24.
P. Max Grempe, Deutsche und feindliche Kinopolitik im Weltkriege, Der Kinematograph, 515, (1916), S. 17-19. Erötertung der verkehrten Politik Deutschlands in Bezug auf das Kino. Die hohen Lustbarkeit...
National-Film-A.G., Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit !, Lichtbildbühne, 45, (1918).
Specator, Das letzte Jahr, Der Kinematograph, 472, (1916), S. 17-18. Jahresrückblick. Die deutsche Filmindustrie sei zur Großindustrie geworden. Die Aufklärungsarbeit der Wochenschauen im Ausland w...