French and Serbian soldiers inspect and pull apart the wreckage of the Zeppelin. An unexploded bomb (?) lies in the marsh. On board one of the British ships which shot down the Zeppelin, a naval lieut...
"The 5th Royal Scots who have volunteered for the Front in training." Soldiers, including some very young teenagers, march past a camp of white tents erected in summer countryside. Scenes of camp life...
Thirteen numbered captions separate the following scenes. Soldiers parade and drill in front of the ornate oriental facade of a pavilion (Indian ?) erected for one of the pre-war international exhibit...
I. The rally in Birmingham led by a male band. The women are mostly in uniform. The marching column includes a steam tractor, a horse-drawn plough and a horse-drawn rake. The procession goes up New St...
This two-reel film consists largely of duplicates from the series IWM 130 SONS OF OUR EMPIRE and IWM 420 THE WORLD'S GREATEST STORY, including the remains of the missing original first episode of IWM ...
British soldiers of various regiments and branches, all wearing life jackets, embark on leave boats. One group is on board a small side-wheeler CD-8, and others on a larger vessel E0826. The larger sh...
I. A group of four Dutch Army officers (Luitenant-kolonel Jonkheer J.H. Roëll, Generaal-majoor T. Burgers, Kapitein J.W. van Oorschot and a military attaché) with two British escorts walking over th...
The film is presented, uncut, in reverse order of events. It begins with Pershing saying goodbye to the British Adjutant-General, Sir G H Fowke, and the French General Peltier, prior to entering his c...
Emil Perlmann, Wenn die Waffen ruhen...!, Der Kinematograph, 619, (1918). Erörterung der Lage der Filmindustrie angesichts des greifbaren Kriegsendes. Die Filmindustrie müsse den Kampf gegen die Zen...
Walter Thielemann, Der Film 1917, Der Kinematograph, 573, (1917), S. 12ff. Jahresrückblick. Positiv hervorgehoben wird die immer breitere Anerkennung, die dem Kino zuteil werde, da der immer mehr sei...
Colonia-Film-GmbH, Die Leute wollen mal wieder lachen !, Der Kinematograph, 508, (1916), S. 43.
Poldi Schmidl, Der Kinobesitzer als Staatsbeamter, Der Kinematograph, 607, (1918). Angesichts der geplanten Konzessionspflicht für Kinobesitzer wird die Möglichkeit einer Verstaatlichung der Filmind...
Deutsche Lichtbild Gesellschaft e.V., Die Arbeit unserer Heimarmee, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 11.
"'Um das grosse Erbe'. Aufhebung eines Filmverbots", Der Kinematograph, 549, (1917), S. 11-14.
Universum Filmverleih, Söhne des Volkes, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 3. "Der bisher unter dem Titel 'König des Lichts' angekündigte Film...der neue Film für die neue Zeit"
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 550, (1917), S. 15-17. Rezension aktueller Filme. Interessant ist, dass die russische Gesellschaft filmisch thematisiert wird. Karl Schneider,...