The squadron exists to train fresh horses and mules for British Army war service. The horses are taught to keep at a steady walk in formation when other horses are galloping past at an angle. Various ...
I. "Aero Engines" - women assembly workers operating various kinds of precision lathes and equipment in the manufacture of engines, ending with men testing a rotary engine, possibly a Le Rhöne made u...
A posed group of the school staff. A training exercise in which the men run forward to set up their Vickers machine guns under cover or in a prone position. One of the groups of trainees sets out with...
Scenes of damaged houses and churches, with British troops clearing away the rubble. The first church is late perpendicular with its roof missing, possibly Neuve Eglise. The second church, neo-Norman,...
An 18-pounder field gun battery emerges head-on out of a farm courtyard onto a very wet and muddy road. RFA gunners pack 18-pounder shells into wooden boxes for transportation. A 4.5-inch field howitz...
I. Kitchener visits France between 9 and 12 February. He leaves a "headquarters" (possibly of a division) by car. He inspects a brigade of New Army Infantry which cheers him as he leaves. He watches w...
The young 'mother', at a table, begins her letter, "dear son" (acted). British troops unload sacks of mail for France at one of the Channel ports. The mail is taken across the Channel by ship and unlo...
A kite balloon is positioned by RFC ground staff and ascends over a small village. The view down from the basket and a (faked) close-up of the observer and signaller spotting from the basket. A 60-pou...
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
Voigt, Hildegard L.. "Die Hetze gegen die Lichtbildbühnen." Lichtbildbühne 23 (1913): 1-4. Die Kritiker des Kinos würden nur deren Auswüchse sehen, hätten aber nie ein anständiges Kino besucht. ...
Egon Jacobsohn, Ferdinand Lassalle, Der Kinematograph, 615, (1918), S. 18-30. Bericht von der Uraufführung in Berlin. Die Aufführung sei ein voller Erfolg gewesen, zumal es besonders gut in die Zeit...
Saturn Film AG, Rasputin. Drama in 5 Akten, Der Kinematograph, 553, (1917), S. 24.
P. Max Grempe, Deutsche und feindliche Kinopolitik im Weltkriege, Der Kinematograph, 515, (1916), S. 17-19. Erötertung der verkehrten Politik Deutschlands in Bezug auf das Kino. Die hohen Lustbarkeit...
National-Film-A.G., Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit !, Lichtbildbühne, 45, (1918).
Specator, Das letzte Jahr, Der Kinematograph, 472, (1916), S. 17-18. Jahresrückblick. Die deutsche Filmindustrie sei zur Großindustrie geworden. Die Aufklärungsarbeit der Wochenschauen im Ausland w...