The men march down a road towards the camera in a totally featureless landscape, all very smart, officers riding very clean horses. They rest by the roadside, and cheer the camera as it pans over them...
The camp Nissen huts show damage from the bombs. The women stand around watching. A view of Abbéville (?) with the smoke rising in the background. (The film is broken here by an unrelated scene of sh...
I. At the show an RHA troop demonstrates a fast gallop followed by a controlled trot. A jumping race for riders of one horse while leading another horse on a tight rein. Wrestling on horseback and a f...
One of the bombers taxies, checked by mechanics as it does so. Another is brought out of its hangar with its wings folded and prepared for flight, the wings being straightened and ladders put up to th...
I. The dogs, a mixture of terrier mongrels, are paraded with their handlers and taken for walking exercises. They are given a course to run over unescorted which includes fences and barbed wire to jum...
Only the brake-wheel can be seen of the train, and for part of the time a lance-corporal brakeman with his back to the camera. The track moves through the rubble, clay and destroyed villages of the ar...
An RAMC doctor, probably Major Paterson, who was doctor in Hebron for 31 years before the war, talking to a group of Arabs; followed by a slow panorama of Hebron, ending at the mosque. Palestine Front...
(Reel 1) The film has a comic acted character, the "awkward soldier". He and his fellows arrive at the school and are instructed in the lorry's engine and gearbox, which are shown running opened up wi...
The battle of Zborov: Three soldiers in the trench, Tomeš in the middle.
The battle of Zborov: A soldier gives to smell a rotten can to his sleeping friend.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers in the trench with stuffy noses. One of them holds a rotten can.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers sit in the trench.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers hidden in the trench.
An office with two sitting Russian generals (on the left Rudolf Medek - author of the synopsis). Tomeš registers himself as a volunteer.
A documentary part: First days of the independent Czechoslovak Republic - František Udržal speaks to the gathering of people in front of the monument of Jan Hus.
Imperator Film GmbH, Wenn frei das Meer für deutsche Fahrt !, Der Kinematograph, 556, (1917), S. 30.
Walter Thielemann, Der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst und die Kinobranche, Der Kinematograph, 521/2 , (1916). Befürchtung, der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst könne die Kinobranche schwächen. Diese sei ab...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 563, (1917), S. 22. Ankündigung neuer Trickfilme zur Werbung für die Kriegsanleihe. Sie werden allesamt als sehr unterhaltsam und technisch gelungen beschrieb...
Universum Filmverleih, Die Waffen nieder, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 28-33.
Julius Sternheim, Propaganda-und Aufklärungsfilme, Der Kinematograph, 592, (1918), S. 12-14. Propagandafilme müssten maßgeblich eine Botschaft verfolgen, was sie oftmals zwangsläufig langatmig mac...
Hansa Filverleih GmbH, Luftkämpfe. Ein Tag bei einer Jagdstaffel im Westen, Der Kinematograph, 558, (1917), S. 19-21.
Notes on the film and its thematics (a fundraising event for the War Memorial).
2 film guides (brochures), 18 pages each, 1st. And 3rd. editions. Documentary about the ventriloquist and automata creator Francisco Sanz Baldoví, codirected by Maximiliano Thous and Sanz himself. It...