Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : Embla : Knut Åm
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : interview with chief executive Bill Parker : 2/4 X drill bit etc.
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway)
Har blant annet følgende innslag: Intervju med adm. dir. Lars Takla Omkobling fra Ekofisk I til Ekofisk II Sluttdisponeringsplaner Sikkerhetspris fra moderselskapet Utskifting av 1900 PC-er på basen...
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : visit by chief executive Pete Silas : introducing Mike McConnell etc.
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : interview with chief executive Lars Takla : Ekofisk 2 inauguration by energy minister Marit Arnstad : safety day etc.
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : interview with chief executive Bill Parker
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : emergency helicopter landing (Super Puma), construction of tank wall in the Netherlands : a new block : the Seaway Harrier on a clearing-up opera...