Kaiser Wilhelm waits, wearing his Austrian field marshal's uniform, with his officers in the snow. Jump cut to Wilhelm greeting Karl beside his train just after his arrival. The two emperors arrive by...
Horses, along with their Austro-Hungarian handlers (mildly camera-conscious) rest beside a monastery which shows some shell damage. Other partly-destroyed buildings, including a village square and chu...
Venizelos, with Generals Gérome and Zymbrakakis (?) inspects French troops, then a Greek regiment, talking with some of the officers and men.
Newsreel item on President Venizelos visiting Greek ...
A narrow gauge railway carries 9.2-inch shells and troops forward. A poor middle-distance view of a tank flying a flag moving up with supporting troops on foot. Soldiers moving into a devastated wood ...
The balloon section lorries arrive at an area of flat ground and the men start to inflate the balloon. The inflated balloon stands ready to ascend. Horses, towing a car out of a patch of soft ground, ...
The progress of the war is represented by animated maps. A hand reaches out from Germany into Belgium and grabs Liège at the start of the war. A young soldier, in an acted scene, says goodbye to his ...
A captain demonstrates how the rifle grenade, which requires no cup, fits into the rifle. His men, using a trench periscope, fire the grenades from a trench. All are in shirtsleeves.
Newsreel ite...
Soldiers start digging a trench system and wiring up the positions. Finned mortar bombs for a 58mm Crapouillot (?) are carried forward into a front-line trench and used to bombard the German positions...