A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
A worker (Giorgos Tzortzis) asks for the hand of the daughter (Eleni Anousaki) of his powerful boss (Lykougros Kallergis) in marriage. His boss dismisses him, but he starts his own business with the h...
A has-been popular singer (Martha Vourtsi) tries to support her daughter (Nancy Mandrou) by working at two-bit nightclubs. She is arrested and charged with murdering her ex-husband, and, while in pris...
In 1949, on the island of Ikaria, eight fighters of the Civil War, taking a little too literally the Communist Party’s admonition to be “ready for war at all times”, refuse to give up their weap...
Fragkogiannou (Maria Alkaiou), a hard-done by, deranged woman after a life full of hardship, recalls the past by her newborn girl grandchild’s crib. Her mother was a wicked woman and one of her sons...
Greece, during the regime of the colonels (1967 – 1974). The secret services of the junta use a captain, member of the national resistance but now their prisoner, in order to enclave some resistance...