Monuments, public buildings, industry, agriculture and commerce, harbours and beaches of the region. Includes a group of men practicing ‘belluboard’ in a beach in Leça da Palmeira.
Cinematographic report on the study visit of 2 months to Angola by a group of teachers and students from the three Portuguese universities.
Images from the submarine 'Espadarte' and some of the crew members.
Portuguese Youth parade in the celebrations of the 1st December (Independence Restoration Day).
Incomplet. The visit of the british carrier to Lisbon.
The film shows the façade of the Palace Hotel of Vidago and includes images of the guests at the main staircase, the Thermal Waters facilities, the Hotel's restaurant, and a panoramic shot over Vidag...
Unedited footage. At the Chrystal Palace, in Oporto, an automobiles exhibition. Panoramic view of the city. The car stands.
film frame
film frame
film frame of the above mentioned film.
A page of Ernesto de Albuquerque's photo album.
Portrait of the film director.
film frame
Diary notebook of the filming of whale hunt by Antunes da Mata.
Article defending the need of producing Portuguese colonial films.
Notes on the work of film director José Branco Gomes Barata.
Film review.
Notes on the film ‘Como se faz um jornal’, and the founding of a unit dedicated to producing colonial films.
Notes on the team work; set still of Fernandez Tomaz.
Notes on the film works of José César de Sá and Fernandez Tomaz.
Notes on how documentary films about Portugal can contribute to tourism reinforcement.