In this extract from a flemish broadcast, four members of the 1963 EXPRMNTL festival edition's jury (Lorenza Mazzetti, Norman McLaren, Jan Lenica, Herbert Vesely) as well as director Jorgen Roos give ...
Promotional film with as main purpose the recruitment of young men for an entrainment in the Belgian Air Force.
So close to the source is the jumping dancing stream of colours that no forms or shapes can be captured. The thunder of creation is so loud, so strong, that the joy of movement foreshadow future possi...
A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
Barney Richards is 37 years old. He lives with his mother in a provincial town. One night at the local discotheque he bumps into Gavin, an old aquaintance, who is doing well in the capital. Suddenly, ...
[Bologna 11 March 1978: the movement] Footage (taken from a window) of a demonstration by the Bologna students movement in remembrance of the events of March 1977. The procession moves along Via Zambo...
Het scenario van 'Dawn', gebaseerd op een toneelstuk van Reginald Berkeley, vertelt het waargebeurde verhaal van de heroïsche verzetsactiviteiten van de verpleegster Edith Cavell, die tijdens de Eers...
The First Film Archive contains 70 documentary films from the period 1899-1913.
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Presentation of Brussels by the puppets Toone and Woltje.
I Sydafrika berører religion alle dele af samfundet. Med tusinder af mennesker, der dør af aids, er religionerne i dag konfronteret med en virkelighed, som rækker ud over deres verdenssyn. Filmen g...
Dokumentarfilm. En skildring af grønlandske sæljægere
Brief des Zentralkomitees der Münchner Katholiken an den bayerischen Innenstaatsminister Dr. Stützel vom 04.07.1930 zur Verhinderung der Aufführung des Films "Frauennot - Frauenglück".
French dialogue list (excerpt) for "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Brief der Polizeidirektion München an das bayerische Innenministerium vom 25.07.1930 zur Vorführung des Bildstreifens "Frauennot - Frauenglück".
Stern-Film, Alkohol, Lichtbildbühne, 49, (1918), S. 69.
O. Verf.. „Der Mangel an Aktualitäten.“ Der Kinematograph 400 (1914): 3-4. Artikel, der den Mangel an aktuellen Aufnahmen aus dem Krieg beklagt. Der Krieg sei die richtige Gelegenheit für die Pr...