Based on true events, the film tells the story of three young men (Vangelis Voulgaridis, Alkis Giannakas and Christos Parlas), who become involved in crime and end up in the hands of an underworld cha...
Self-absorbed Zoi, mistress of a soldier, betrays her lover and marries the Emperor of Byzantium. Later on, she persuades her husband to send away her lover (and his devoted general) to the isolated f...
The late Periklis (Mimis Fotopoulos) gets permission from God (Giorgos Velentzas) to return to earth and help out his family. Being invisible, he can learn everyone’s secrets, witness his first daug...
Poor young Kostas struggles to study law, when he meets the love of his life in the face of Anna, who helps him in his difficult moments. Anna is the daughter of the late industrialist Asteriadis, and...
Charis Zavalos is the manager of a company and a politician. One day, he arranges a secret date with Eva, the wife of an employee of his, at the villa of Mrs. Domna, where the illegal lovers are caugh...
An indigent girl, suffering from a problem with her sight, tries to support her little brother. By chance she meets a young man and accepts his help; later on, however, she finds out that he is a croo...
Aleka’s amorous husband, Miltos, plans a devious trip to Paris in order to enjoy a few days of extramarital life, but his jealous wife has him on a very short leash. His brother-in-law, Vasos, also ...
An orphan girl (Aliki Vougiouklaki) does everything she can to be hired as a secretary at the firm of a businessman (Dimitris Papamichail). When she manages to do so, she tries to win his heart and fi...