The trainee agent Thou Vou, otherwise Athanasios Bompas, is one of seven lucky students of the famous school for secret agents “James Bond”. He is trained intensively in the “agent’s arts” a...
A poor teacher (Eleni Anousaki) who lives with her handicapped father (Lavrentis Dianellos) and her lazy brother (Giorgos Moutsios) falls in love with a doctor (Kostas Kakkavas). The doctor’s mother...
A little before the outbreak of World War II, a man’s work takes him away from his family. During the war, his wife dies, and his three children are adopted by other families. When the children grow...
Two sufficiently prosperous, mature friends, neighbors for many years, spend their time playing chess and grumbling about their age and health. At the same time, they both like a poor young woman, Rit...
Aliki is finishing her studies in America and is staying at the house of a distant relative, with whom she has a love affair. When his equally unfaithful wife finds out, she kills him, with her lover...
The fourteenth century in the Byzantine Empire. Young Stratis Karlas returns with his mother to the “lowlands” determined to take revenge for his father’s death and regain the family estate, whi...
A furrier in Kastoria, Ilias (Aris Retsos), goes to Paris to find a job in the business of a distant relative of his, Gerasimos (Christos Tsagkas). He shows Gerasimos the photograph of a singer and p...
The program briefly presents three short films. It begins with the credits of the film IS SOMEONE UP THERE?, a depiction of the problems of a doorman who tries to solve the mystery of an “unexpected...
The programme for the screening of the film "Ordinary Fascism", after details from the credits, mentions: another success of the director, the psychological transformations of fascism, obedience of th...
The director “inspired by the Greek reality and (…) the French cinema, writes the script for the SUNDAY AWAKENING after the encouragement of Dimitris Chorn. The plot is about a lottery which conne...
The cover of the programme for Elia Kazan and Martin Scorsese thanks the contributors. The introduction by Maria Komninou mentions: directors and the diaspora, the Actors Studio, actors, experimenta...
Steven Spielberg, one of the key American directors, belongs to the same generation as F.F. Coppola, George Lucas, Woody Allen, Peter Bogdanovich, Bob Raphelson, Terrence Malick and Gordon Parks. He b...
The program begins with the statement that the conveyance of tragedy by Kakogiannis is very balanced as its script resembles a “picture taken from the environment of the Athenian and Mycenaean scene...
Programme for the ATHINA cinema Single-sheet programme on which is printed: the name of the film currently playing: “DRIVE ME, MADAME”, the plot of the film and its rating: "Unsuitable for minor...
The LIDO Cinema program. On the front cover, the films now showing: “Today’s masterpiece is AMOK starring Inkitsinov and Marcel Sandal. Also, Fox Moviton News”. On the back page, the film synops...
Still about Frida Liappas' film: "A Quiet Death" which includes a summary of the film, the cast and factors of production. With photographs.
Sheet-shaped newspaper, featuring various topics concerning the world of the Cinema.
Monthly Cinematic Magazine
Cinematography and art magazine.