A historical documentary about the tragedy of the famous Monastery of Arcadi that represented the climax of the uprising of the Cretans against their Turkish occupiers. The film takes the form of a tr...
A rich young man, Tony Danalis, is in love with poor Lena and wants to become a writer. His first book is based on the confessions of an unfortunate mother, Rita, who has been looking for her child fo...
A young man (Nikos Xanthopoulos) desperately wants to leave his village and go to Athens to start a new life. Her gets mixed up with some cunning city people, and, fighting with his father (Thodoros M...
Two peaceful guys (Ntinos Iliopoulos and Kostas Chatzichristos) are informed by fellow villagers that an old blood feud between their families has been restarted, and they must continue it. In their e...
Iraklis (Kostas Chatzichristos) is a polite public servant who is encouraged by his lawyer (Martha Vourtsi) to claim the back rent that the tenants of his building owe him. He goes from door to door a...
An elderly man meets a prostitute and a poor man in Omonoia square. The three of them wander among the wretched people of the square.
Three short stories satirizing the Greece of “Change”. A take-off on the police dramas of Giannis Maris; a satire of the films of the New Greek Cinema; and a satire of the “fustanella (Greek ki...
Brief presentation of the film based on a novel and set in a village at the turn of the century and as its theme it has the effort of a teacher to convey knowledge and becomes "the catalyst that cause...
Information about the artistic creation of the director who shot the "most nightmarish melodramas of the world cinema". Reference to the trilogy that the specific film belongs and to the story of the ...
It reports that the film is based on the homonymous work of A. Eftaliotis. The presentation begins with a few words about the life and work of G. Tzavellas and finishes with the observation that in t...
The presentation of this down-to-earth romantic film by Thomopoulou is signed by Aglaia Mitropoulou, who is initially occupied with the development of the story of a revolutionary student and later wi...
The programme for the tribute to Alfred Hitchcock includes photos of the director, information on his life, career and contribution to cinema, as well as a list of his films with information from the ...
The program provides information on the Golden Age of the Italian Cinema, regarding the divas that acted in films inspired by the literary climate of the time. Great theater actresses created a myth i...
After a few informational data about the Taviani brothers, the program analyzes the story of the MEADOW, which is focused on the love of two men, the student Gulielmo and the agronomist Enzo, for one ...
The programme for January 1992 announces the tributes and gives the projection dates.
Still about Frida Liappas' film: "A Quiet Death" which includes a summary of the film, the cast and factors of production. With photographs.
Sheet-shaped newspaper, featuring various topics concerning the world of the Cinema.
Monthly Cinematic Magazine
Cinematography and art magazine.