Destructions in Stuttgart: main station, Schlossplatz, Rathausplatz, Schillerplatz; street traffic in the city center; removal of rubble; reconstruction; meeting with OB Dr. Arnulf Klett (1905-1974, f...
1 - Colonne di fumo sulla città inquadrata da lontano
2 - macerie in viale Regina Elena
3 - passanti e curiosi con le biciclette a mano
4 - la Clinica Medica ed altri istituti di sanit...
The story of the INA-Casa project begins with the architect's study, which from the design of luxurious villas moves on to houses for the people, giving an account of a project functional to the indus...
War destruction in Pforzheim; reconstruction of the city: including the Nordstadtbrücke bridge, the Bahnhofsplatz square, the Schlosskirche church, the city center with new stores, school and housing...
Famed radio station RIAS (Radio In the American Sector), which brought news and entertainment to the people of Berlin and Communist East Germany, is featured in this report. In the western sectors of ...
1 - immagini della città del Vaticano
2 - San Pietro
3 - soldati fanno la guardia a piazza San Pietro
4 - carta della città, vengono tracciati i punti dove sono cadute le quattro bomb...
Works of the great painters are back in the museums, which are preparing to open their doors. The artistic life starts again in Paris, in the workshops of artists but also in the streets and cafes of ...
Destruction of the Eppendorf University Hospital during World War II and reconstruction in the post-war years.