On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
This film begins by showing a gathering of workers taking place outdoors near the SECMO offices. A man speaks; the participants, seated on the grass, vote by show of hands on proposed motions. A secon...
The film is a collective oeuvre from the directors - all militants for the Communist party - depicting with original material and images from the anglo-american troops the phases of Liberation of Ital...
This film reports on the mobilization in Paris in favor of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on the eve of their execution, which took place on June 19, 1953 in the United States. It is mainly the protest th...
1 - manifestazione di massa per le strade di Trieste per riaffermare la volontà dei triestini di rimanere legati all'Italia
2 - manifestazione in piazza per l'affermazione di Trieste all'Italia<...