The film, largely autobiographical, is an exquisite commentary on the crucial decade 1965-1975. The camera records images of current everyday life, while the director’s two previous short films, Let...
A newly-married couple, Roxanne and Eddie (Marios Tagaris and Natali Danika), arrive on an island belonging to the bridegroom’s handicapped father (Giorgos Loukakis). His father demands that they ha...
Dimitris and Stefi are two former spouses who live in the same neighborhood. Dimitris suggests that they set up a closed-circuit TV, so that their daughter Alkisti can get into contact with them anyti...
A woman (Bente Borsum) is staying in a house belonging to her rich husband (Andreas Barkoulis), located on the rocks of a deserted island. When her husband’s son from a previous marriage (Christos S...
The manager of a theater group on tour (Kostas Kakkavas) returns with his troupe to his home town. The memories of his childhood bring to his mind images of his drunkard father (Giorgos Damasiotis) an...
Searching for traces of a missing girl, a private investigator will end up as the prisoner of a twisted woman and her sexually insatiable daughter.
Alexis and his three friends, with the assistance of an Asian singer, rob a poultry slaughter house and accidentally kill the owner (Vangelis Kazan). Alexis and the singer escape to the mountains, but...
A criminal of international repute (Alkis Giannakas) comes to Greece to kidnap a professor (Nikos Vandoros), director of research into oil deposits in the Aegean. The authorities, in order to protect ...