Le Champagne de Rigadin' tells the story of two neighbouring couples who love to play petanque. One day, one of the men pulls a prank on his neighbours by leaving an explosive filled with water in the...
A silent Western about a love story that takes place during the gold rush. The gold prospector Burke Allister falls in love with Mary, who believes the slanderous lies that have been spread about Burk...
Winter sports in Wetzlar at Brühlsbachwarte Winter sports near Wetzlar. Tobogganists and skiers populate the slope. An intertitle reads: "That no-one is born a master is also true for our athletes. A...
The young hothead Billy is drifting into a life of crime and has a violent quarrel with his girlfriend Nelly. The lay preacher John Redmond tells Billy his life's story. Many years before, he was a we...
Carnival in Wetzlar in 1914. At the beginning of the film the council of eleven introduce themselves, you see people with umbrellas, probably after the parade has ended. The guardsmen come out under t...
“A film about the newest Stockholm”, produced in 1955, showing the city’s rapid modernisation and suburban extension during the years after the war. Cuts to printed advertisements and headlines ...
One Serbian army battery in the First World War, in forced march with no stopping and rest, arrives to Cer and, in decisive moment, enters the fight and throws off Austrian troops which penetrated int...
After the retreat of the Serbian army through Albania in late 1915, the French fleet transported around 150,000 Serbs to the island of Corfu in January and February 1916. Soldiers, exhausted from a st...
Screenshot from "Der beste Schuß"
Heinrich Schroth
Still with Rudolf Biebrach (in the middle, front)
Still with Rudolf Biebrach (on the right)
Screenshot from "Michel und Viktoria"
Screenshot from "Zouaves d’Afrique dans les Flandres Belges"
Screenshot from "Ihr Unteroffizier"
Screenshot from "Oorlogsannalen No. 85"
Der Zensur ist tot- es lebe die Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 623, (1918), S. 17-18. Die Abschaffung der Zensur stelle Filmemacher vor die Frage, was derzeit erlaubt sei und was nicht. Es solle keine Z...
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Suchomlinow, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 27.
Die grosse Wette. Ein phantastisches Erlebnis aus dem Jahre 2000, Der Kinematograph, 476, (1916), S. 17.
Emil Perlmann, Wenn die Waffen ruhen...!, Der Kinematograph, 619, (1918). Erörterung der Lage der Filmindustrie angesichts des greifbaren Kriegsendes. Die Filmindustrie müsse den Kampf gegen die Zen...
Walter Thielemann, Der Film 1917, Der Kinematograph, 573, (1917), S. 12ff. Jahresrückblick. Positiv hervorgehoben wird die immer breitere Anerkennung, die dem Kino zuteil werde, da der immer mehr sei...
Colonia-Film-GmbH, Die Leute wollen mal wieder lachen !, Der Kinematograph, 508, (1916), S. 43.
Theodor Zimmermann, Zur Lage in der Zensurfrage, Der Kinematograph, 624, (1918). Bericht, dass das Innenministerium befohlen habe, alle Zensurverordnungen unverzüglich aufzuheben. Lediglich Verordnun...
Poldi Schmidl, Der Kinobesitzer als Staatsbeamter, Der Kinematograph, 607, (1918). Angesichts der geplanten Konzessionspflicht für Kinobesitzer wird die Möglichkeit einer Verstaatlichung der Filmind...