The film centers on the lives of three friends during World War II. One of them is executed for deserting, having attempted to see his girlfriend. Another of the three friends is traumatized by the de...
Original title and title cards in Estonian and Russian. In the film one can see town life at its peak in czarist-time. The film, with a positivist take, seems to be shot in the early spring of 1912. ...
The film is set in the spring of 1919. After the withdrawal of the German Army from Vilnius, the Polish-Bolshevik war breaks out. Waging with varying degrees of success, it brutally invades the life ...
News item about the Zuiderzee flood of 1916, shown a few days after the disaster happened A severe storm on January 14, 1916, caused flooding in many areas around the Zuiderzee. This news item contain...
Čitavih mesec dana je junak iz borbi na Kosovu i kod Bitolja iz Prvog Balkanskog rata, komandant Moravske divizije II poziva, pukovnik Milovan Nedić, vodio bespoštednu borbu sa Bugarima koja se n...
Non identified compilation, probably incomplete, datable from 1926, which collects different segments of celebrations of the Italian victory. Some images are taken from documentaries produced by the R...
"The Sinking of the Lusitania is an animated short film by American artist Winsor McCay. It features a 12-minute explanation of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania after it was struck by two torpedoes (n...
Organizers of Toplica rebellion against the Bulgarian occupying army in February of 1917: Kosta Pecanac, Jovan Dovezenski and Dragomir Jovanovic Lune. People on the streets of Prokuplje welcome the gu...
Screenshot from "Der beste Schuß"
Heinrich Schroth
Still with Rudolf Biebrach (in the middle, front)
Still with Rudolf Biebrach (on the right)
Screenshot from "Michel und Viktoria"
Screenshot from "Zouaves d’Afrique dans les Flandres Belges"
Screenshot from "Ihr Unteroffizier"
Screenshot from "Oorlogsannalen No. 85"
Der Zensur ist tot- es lebe die Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 623, (1918), S. 17-18. Die Abschaffung der Zensur stelle Filmemacher vor die Frage, was derzeit erlaubt sei und was nicht. Es solle keine Z...
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Suchomlinow, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 27.
Die grosse Wette. Ein phantastisches Erlebnis aus dem Jahre 2000, Der Kinematograph, 476, (1916), S. 17.
Emil Perlmann, Wenn die Waffen ruhen...!, Der Kinematograph, 619, (1918). Erörterung der Lage der Filmindustrie angesichts des greifbaren Kriegsendes. Die Filmindustrie müsse den Kampf gegen die Zen...
Walter Thielemann, Der Film 1917, Der Kinematograph, 573, (1917), S. 12ff. Jahresrückblick. Positiv hervorgehoben wird die immer breitere Anerkennung, die dem Kino zuteil werde, da der immer mehr sei...
Colonia-Film-GmbH, Die Leute wollen mal wieder lachen !, Der Kinematograph, 508, (1916), S. 43.
Theodor Zimmermann, Zur Lage in der Zensurfrage, Der Kinematograph, 624, (1918). Bericht, dass das Innenministerium befohlen habe, alle Zensurverordnungen unverzüglich aufzuheben. Lediglich Verordnun...
Poldi Schmidl, Der Kinobesitzer als Staatsbeamter, Der Kinematograph, 607, (1918). Angesichts der geplanten Konzessionspflicht für Kinobesitzer wird die Möglichkeit einer Verstaatlichung der Filmind...