Kitas pavadinimas (ai): In the Homeland
Metai: 1957
Aprašymas: The delegation of Lithuanians living in Uruguay are travelling by bus in Lithuania: Stasys Rasikas, Adomas Kurklietis, Vincas Navikauskas, Jonas Staniulis, Jonas Čaplikas, Jonas Trinskis, Bronius Markevičius, Petras Revuckas with his daughter Liucija, Sofia Vėlyvienė and her daughter Amanda and others. The delegation walks in Kaunas, visits Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. The guests speak with the founder of the Institute’s energy lab professor Romanas Chomskis and see over the lab. The guests are given on student caps. The Institute Director, professor Kazys Baršauskas takes in the delegation. Uruguay Lithuanians communicate with students. The guests visit “Kaunas audiniai” ("Kaunas fabric") factory. In the factory works smith Vladas Grigas – re-emigrant from Uruguay, master assistant Danielius Jakubonis – re-emigrant from Brazil, worker, weaver Ona Peslekaitė. The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Lithuania Justas Paleckis accompanies the delegation in Kaunas. The guests are travelling by bus Samogitian highway towards the Baltic Sea. The guests are accompanied by Adomas Čiplys from Vilnius. Uruguay Lithuanians enjoy in snow – they play snowball fight. The guests visit Klaipeda town and Klaipeda sea port. Uruguay Lithuanians visit fishermen's cooperative and meets with the cooperative’s chairman Mečislovas Davidonis. The chairman shows them fishermen village.
Raktažodžiai: Emigrantai / Kraštovaizdis / Mokslas / Politika / Tarptautiniai santykiai / Transportas / Science / Politics / International relations
Tiekėjas: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Teisės: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Spalva: Black & White
Director: Viktoras Starošas
Sound: With sound
Dokumento tipas:
Related Names
- Mečislovas Davidonis | Participant
- Adomas Čiplys | Participant
- Justas Paleckis | Participant
- Ona Peslekaitė | Participant
- Danielius Jakubonis | Participant
- Vladas Grigas | Participant
- Kazys Baršauskas | Participant
- Romanas Chomskis | Participant
- Sofija Vėlyvienė | Participant
- Petras Revuckas | Participant
- Bronius Markevičius | Participant
- Jonas Trinskis | Participant
- Jonas Čaplikas | Participant
- Jonas Staniulis | Participant
- Vincas Navikauskas | Participant
- Adomas Kurklietis | Participant
- Stasys Rasikas | Participant
- Leonidas Braslavskis | Screenplay
- Viktoras Starošas | Director
- Viktoras Starošas | Director of photography
- Kazys Zabulis | Sound supervisor