This dramatized documentary features Lavrion (an industrial town) while tracing the lives of two men; a mineral collector and a university student (Nikos Vourlakos and Petros Alatzas). The former wand...
The film is based on a novel by its director, entitled The Comedy of Mythomania. In the spring of 1999, during the intense NATO bombardment in Kosovo, a ship has been placed in quarantine in a certain...
The descent into the world of the night in the vastness of Athens of a young man who comes from the countryside and works as a delivery boy at a declining pizzeria.
Three friends who haven’t seen each other in years reunite in Athens. They intend to create for themselves a comfortable life and put behind them the difficult past, either in foreign lands or worki...
The search for a missing woman gives an Athenian lawyer, Manos – who is suffocating in his marriage to Kynthia – the opportunity to travel to Epirus. Leaving his familiar surroundings, he gradual...