The film is set in Athens in 1964. Nikos Avgeris is a reporter assigned to cover a suspicious car accident that cost the life of a top-ranking government official. He finds out from his inquiries that...
The conflict between Eteocles and Polynices (the two sons of the dead king Oedipus, who claimed the throne of seven-gated Thebes) results in the death of both of them. The young king Creon orders that...
Manousos (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is the eldest child of a poor and large family living in rural Greece. When he completes his military duty, he decides to work in Athens to help his mother (Eleni Zafeiro...
The plain of Thessaly, 1910. The tenant farmers suffer untold hardships, both from the Arvanites invaders who ravage and seize their possessions and from the chief landlord of the area Stratos Karatza...
The year is 1965. Natasa Arseni (Aliki Vougiouklaki) visits Dachau, the place where she was found by the Americans at the end of the World War II. She returns to Greece, and during the train ride she ...
The Civil War that ravaged the country is now over, and one of the many fugitive fighters of the Left, Nikos Belogiannis, the man with the disarming smile and the carnation, a former captain of ELAS (...