Inaugurazione della linea aerea Milano- Roma di un nuovo quadrimotore italiano S.M. 95 fabbricato dalle officine Savoia-Marchetti. Con una capienza di 50 passeggeri compie il tragitto in un'ora e mezz...
1 - un ragazzo canta 24mila baci in bicicletta
Celentano firma autografi per le sue fans
Villa stringe le mani al portiere di un albergo
2 - una ragazza imita mina davanti ad un fotogra...
1 - vestiti da passeggio plissettati
2 - tessuto ingualcibile
1 - la partenza delle automobili
Russo davanti ad un banchetto
2 - le automobili attraversano un paese,
3 - macchine percorrono strade di montagna
4 - i boschi e lava lungo il perc...
Short reportage about emperor Wilhelm II's trip through Rumenia during the First World War. He meets Von Mackensen, King Ferdinand and Prince Boris and visits the cathedral of Curtea de Arges, the oi...
The report of the inspection performed by King Charles the First of Romania, in April 1914, at the Military Infantry School in Bucharest. The trainings of the soldiers, who pay homage to the King.
News item showing the visit of King Christian X from Denmark to Belgium.
Christoph Maria Herbst at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt, on September 21, 2014
Serkan Cetinkaya at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt on September 21, 2014
Uránia Filmszínház feliratos reklámplakátja fekete kerettel Felirat: Uránia Filmszínház VIII., Rákóczi út 21. Telefon: 131-888 Október 12-től műsoron A ménesgazda Gáll István regény...
Színes feliratos grafikai plakát zöldes alapon Felirat: La sposa era belissima A mennyasszony gyönyörű volt Gábor Pál filmje Stefania Sand relli és Angela Molina főszereplésével Operatőr:...
The production company "Messter-Ostermayer-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban (for young people) of the film "Reiter der Nacht" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was...
The production company "Hegewald-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Madame im Schlafwagen" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Hegewald - Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the advertisement for the film "In Wien hab ich einmal ein Mädel geliebt".The application was rejecte but one furt...
The production company "Transatlantische Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Vorderhaus und Hinterhaus" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Nord-Film G.m.b.H., Hamburg" applied against the ban of the film "Die Todesflieger von San Francisco" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Centropa-Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Achten Sie auf Meyer". ). The application was partially accepted. The film was permitted for adults 18 years of age...
The film was full admitted. This version was 420 m shorter than the one, which was shown in Austria before (compare with the first registration card issued in Vienna for the film "King Kong").
The production company "Terra-Film Verleih G.m.b.H." applied against the cuts of the film "Rosita" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted without...