Sul Congresso cfr. L'illustrazione italiana, 11 ottobre 1931, n.41
1 - il re, preceduto da alti dignitari, affiancato dai ministri dei lavori pubblici italiano e belga, e seguito da lungo corteo ...
1 -
cavalli di bronzo del Vittoriano e vista dall'alto di piazza Venezia
2 -
cavalli della fontana di piazza del Quirinale
3 -
cavalli corrono nelle praterie
4 -
1 - un'automobile vista dall'alto percorre la strada del passo alpino
2 - la frontiera: sede dei Carabinieri dalla parte del confine italiano, sede dei gendarmi austriaci dall'altra.
3 - uom...
1 - Il re, accompagnato da generali, nel campo di aviazione della Caproni
2 - un uomo con baffi scuri, forse Gianni Caproni, accompagna il re nella sua visita alle officine
3 - Il re, con i...
Reportage about the festivities to mark the inauguration of Mayor M. van Hout in Helmond, on July 29, 1913 This film opens with the arrival of Mayor Van Hout at the station in Helmond, where he makes ...
German Emperor Wilhelm II visits the German troops on the front in Flanders during the First World War.
Peter Lorre, Fritz Odemar, Gustaf Gründgens, Theo Lingen, Paul Kemp (vorne, v.l.n.r.)
Peter Lorre, Inge Landgut
Peter Lorre
Nora El Koussour in "Layla M." (2016)
Ulrike Krumbiegel, Katrin Saß (v.l.n.r.)
Nora El Koussour in "Layla M." (2016)
Katrin Saß
Nora El Koussour in "Layla M." (2016)
The production company "Messter-Ostermayer-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban (for young people) of the film "Reiter der Nacht" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was...
The production company "Hegewald-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Madame im Schlafwagen" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Hegewald - Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the advertisement for the film "In Wien hab ich einmal ein Mädel geliebt".The application was rejecte but one furt...
The production company "Transatlantische Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Vorderhaus und Hinterhaus" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Nord-Film G.m.b.H., Hamburg" applied against the ban of the film "Die Todesflieger von San Francisco" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Centropa-Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Achten Sie auf Meyer". ). The application was partially accepted. The film was permitted for adults 18 years of age...
The film was full admitted. This version was 420 m shorter than the one, which was shown in Austria before (compare with the first registration card issued in Vienna for the film "King Kong").
The production company "Terra-Film Verleih G.m.b.H." applied against the cuts of the film "Rosita" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted without...