The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The National Socialist propaganda film with Emil Jannings as the lead was awarded - amongst other decorations - the therefore created...
One day in the life of a worker Through the reconstruction of a day in the life of the Piretti family of Bologna, the film draws a very critical picture, from a Leftist perspective, of the living cond...
Set of seven film documents shot just after the signature of the Blum-Byrnes agreements, between the French and American governments, authorizing the wider release of American films on French territor...
Research on the life and work conditions of the tobacco workers in the area of Kavala in the beginning of the Metapolitefsi period (the polity change from the junta to constitutional democracy, marked...
Destroyed cities after the end of World War II, clean-up work, cleaning bricks, men hammering pegs into the ground to fortify dikes, destroyed industrial facilities, including mines, miners working in...
Hybrid film, including American film war propaganda footage, concerning the diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States during World War I following the case of Miss Cavell, a source of...
Dinos Vristhenis (Stelios Tatasopoulos), a poor student in the University of Athens, has dropped out of his studies because of dire financial difficulties and is job hunting. He is employed as an acto...
We are at the spinning mills, with very few strike-breakers and ...
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)