Stella (Melina Merkouri), a singer at the Paradise nightclub is living a guiltless, turbulent, passionate and vigorous life. When she meets Miltos (Giorgos Fountas), a famous soccer player, she leaves...
The tragic story of a couple that upset Athenian society at the end of the 19th century. Mimikos (Andreas Barkoulis) is a doctor in the Greek army, and Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is an upper-class girl...
Aliki, a cheeky and untamed girl (Aliki Vougiouklaki), works at a newspaper and is assigned to interview a scientist who is expected to arrive in Greece. She meets a journalist (Andreas Barkoulis) who...
A talented young actor, Stephanos Razis (Alekos Alexandrakis), who has performed brilliantly in the roles of Romeo and Hamlet, shares his dreams of a great career in theater with Katerina, the humble ...
A counterfeit coin goes from hand to hand telling its story in four independent episodes. The piece has been made by a decent goldsmith, Anargyros (Vasilis Logothetidis), who is captivated by the char...
Mary and Nikos (Aliki Vougiouklaki and Alekos Alexandrakis) are a happily married couple whose life turns upside down when Mary’s friend, Lilly (Maro Kontou), borrows their new car. When Lilly crash...
The film is set in Ioannina at the beginning of the 19th century. The eldest son of Ali Pasha, Mouhtar and the beautiful Frosyni (Irene Papas) (a widow who comes from a large family and is also the ni...
Two neighboring villages are almost at war over control of the water in the area. Panochori has abundant water but not an inch of arable land. On the other hand, Katochori has large expanses of land, ...