News reel on the attempted uprising in Azores.
The opening of the flower exhibition at Quinta da Boa Vista in Funchal, Madeira. Local folklore and garden-party.
Construction and maintenance works of roads, bridges and viaducts undertaken by the Portuguese Road Board.
The opening of Armazéns Frigoríficos da Comissão Reguladora do Comércio de Bacalhau. The cod fleet of Oporto, cod drying and washing.
The work of Casa do Gaiato (charity institution which houses, educates and integrates into society children and young adults who have been deprived of a stable family background), in Paço de Sousa, P...
Overviews of the rivers Kwanza and Lucala, in Angola.
Overview on the history of Angola.
News report of the event of blessing of the cod fishermen.
Film frame
film frame
Film frame.
Film frame.
Portrait of the film director
film frame
Film frame.
Film frame
Review of a conference on the many practical applications of film in arts, industry, science, trade and war
News of the establishment of a production company in Oporto dedicated to depict monuments and sites.
Directory of documentary films illustrating the sites, landscapes, activities and monuments of Portuguese regions.
Notes on the films portraying Portugal’s participation in WWI.
Directory of non-fiction films produced by Gaumont in Portugal.
Notes on the censorship of all films depicting themes related with WWI.
Notes on the film 'A vida na Penitenciária de Lisboa' (‘Life in Lisbon’s Penitentiary’) and on its subject matter.