Incomplet film on a religious procession from Lisbon to Fátima (Shrine of Fatima in the centre of Portugal).
Incomplet footage of Evora.
Naval parade in Lisbon.
Incomplet. Buildings and monuments in the city of Coimbra: Museum Machado de Castro, the ancient Episcopal Palace, University, Sala dos Capelos, portico of the University’s chapel, Cathedral, Old Ca...
Upon today’s knowledge, only the image subsists.
Observations on bull power utilization in the agriculture labor in Ribatejo.
The 4th football match between Portugal and France, held in Paris (Stade de Colombes) in 24th March 1929.
The exhibition of livestock and dairy industries, signalling its progresses.
The exteriors of the studios of the Oporto-based film company, Invicta Film.
Film frame
Film frame of Arthur Costa de Macedo's 'Homenagens aos soldados desconhecidos' ('Tribute to Unknown Soldiers'), 1921.
film frame
Film frame
Film frame
The movable assets catalogue of the production company Invicta Film.
Minute book from the Management Board of the production company.
Title cards in vegetal paper of the film of a football match between Portugal and France teams.
Title cards in vegetal paper.
An interview with Aníbal Contreiras on the film 'A Vida do Soldado'.