A poor girl (Gkelly Mavropoulou), without a family, finds, in a rich young man, (Andreas Barkoulis) shelter from the difficulties of life. She decides to marry a wealthy engineer (Lampros Konstantaras...
Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is a poor but very pretty girl, also known as “the punching-bag” as she has no one to help or support her. She can’t seem to stay in any single job for very long becaus...
The three members of Humanitarian Movement of Greece (Kostas Voutsas, Nikos Dadinopoulos and Sotiris Tzevelekos), despite being arrested for illegally putting up posters, continue to struggle for thei...
A poor young teacher (Dimitris Papamichail) gets a job as a literature professor in a private school for girls and is immediately confronted with the spoiled behavior of the rich girls. A beautiful st...
A talented young actor, Stephanos Razis (Alekos Alexandrakis), who has performed brilliantly in the roles of Romeo and Hamlet, shares his dreams of a great career in theater with Katerina, the humble ...
Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
This is the first film of Vasilis Georgiadis, a great Greek director, whose films have twice been Oscar nominees for best foreign language film. This is perhaps the only Greek athletic film production...
The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis ...