Incomplet. The film follows the arrival in Lisbon of a UFA delegation to shoot some of the scenes of Estupefacientes/Der Weisse Damon (Kurt Gerron, 1932) and its french version (Stupéfiants).
Home movie. Filming of a child with his parents during a trip to Rome. The movie shows their visit to the zoo, to St. Peter’s Square and to the Colosseum. The video is a copy from the film print he...
Margaret durante il banchetto conversa con l'arcivescovo di Chanterbury
Margaret legge una breve dichiarazione durante il banchetto
Towsend scende da un'automobile
1 - cavallo nella scu...
Peter Scharf
Peter Jordan
Peter Kurth
Peter Weck
"Die Welle" (2008)
"Ein Mann geht durch die Wand" (1959)
Peter Przybylski
Peter Trabner
Internal correspondence regarding "Der 20. Juli", with handwritten comments by Artur Brauner.