In Paris, in the 1970s, a cinematographer prepares a film dedicated to the life of a Greek woman, a member of the national resistance. A group of intellectuals contribute to the screenplay and the pro...
A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
During the German Occupation, a group of partisans collaborate with a lieutenant (who has been sent to Greece from the Middle East Headquarters) on a mission to blow up a German ship with a cargo of s...
Thanasis Thanasakis is a poor guy, abandoned by his mother at the door of the Attica experimental orphanage for boys, where he spends 20 years of his life. When he becomes 21, he leaves this instituti...
A family of mountain folk fights with a family that lives by the sea. When the mountain folk’s chief (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) finds out that his counterpart from the coast (Kostas Kakkavas) has k...
Traveling through Greece, an American author meets a wild Greek prostitute and is charmed by her personality. He tries to educate and “civilize” her, but in the end, she is the one who gives him t...
Three different stories about three different men and the choices each of them makes when they come to a critical point in their lives. In the first story, “The Coin From Chaironeia”, an archeolog...
This is the first film of Vasilis Georgiadis, a great Greek director, whose films have twice been Oscar nominees for best foreign language film. This is perhaps the only Greek athletic film production...
Poster featuring a full-length photograph of a scene from the film. Thanasis Vengos is represented in a typical shot, running while pointed by the gun of a soldier in a post. At bottom left, the title...
Poster featuring the collage technique. Thanasis Vengos in a full-body swimsuit kneels before a shapely young woman in a bikini. He holds her hand with the intention to kiss it, while the expression o...
Caricature poster by Pissanos. In the centre, Thanasis Vengos is depicted with a huge head and a tiny body. A grimace of depreciation is painted on his face. In one hand, he holds a driving wheel, whi...
A poster predominated by the figure of Thanasis Vengos. Astounded, with his mouth open and one foot in the air, he is opening the door to a blonde, semi-naked, young woman. On the bottom of the image,...
A poster featuring the collage technique. Insertion of photographs of the film’s two leading actors, Tzeni Karezi and Thanasis Vengos, against a green background. A full-length, black-and-white phot...
The poster consists of two black-and-white photographs inserted on its left and right sides, while approximately in the centre and slightly towards the bottom of the poster lays the title of the film ...
The poster is dominated by the figure of Aliki Vougiouklaki, who is depicted semi-naked, holding before her chest a straw hat that covers her naked body, and giving a coy grimace. Next to her, the two...