The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows famous views of Dresden by the painter Bernardo Bellotto, known as Canaletto. He juxtaposes the historical images with current footage from 1962 and d...
A film about the first post-war October in Prague is also an experimental work in colour documentary. in addition to the colors of the autumn trees, it also plays with the colors of the neon lights an...
Using non-fictional shots and animated maps, the film presents the planned project of the Elbe-Oder-Danube Canal, which should open the way for Czechoslovakia to the world's seas and connect it with t...
Film představuje technickou podstatu a historický vývoj staroměstského orloje na budově Staroměstské radnice v Praze. Jelikož se radnice stala jednou z mála pražských budov poničených v ...
Prague celebrates the fifth anniversary of its liberation by the Red Army in the presence of Klement Gottwald, the President of Czechoslovakia, and the Russian Marshal Boulganine.
The JDC's essential role in the relief, reconstruction, and resettlement of European Jewry after 1945. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
A report about the help the American Joint Di...
Catholic and folk parade, probably in Reims.
Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in co...
Olaf Fönss
An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
Set of seven film documents shot just after the signature of the Blum-Byrnes agreements, between the French and American governments, authorizing the wider release of American films on French territor...
On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
Letter from a French student to a German politician in which she presents him with her father's Cross of Merit. Flashback to the 1914-1918 war, Verdun, battlefields, cemetery. Pictures from the Ruhr a...
After various difficulties, an unemployed Italian finds a job at the “Aquila” refinery, which has been reconstructed thanks to the money and machinery sent by the United States through ECA. No dat...
A film gives a tour through a history and a cultural heritage of the town of Telč. It praises its historical architecture, namely the middle-age and Renaissance epochs. It frequently employs travelli...
An experimental building site near Paris was built just after the WWII. Inaugurating the policy of experimental sites led by the Ministry of Reconstruction and Town Planning, it reflects the will of t...