The film shows the city of Caen after the bombing and focuses primarily on the first reconstructions. After the clearing of ruins, the public authorities are working on the reconstruction of permanent...
One of the films of the Strength of the Free World television program, produced for U.S. viewers and broadcast by the ABC television network. The three cities of Naoussa, Trieste and West Berlin are l...
One of the films of the Strength for the Free World television program and probably the film that best explained the aid program to Americans. The film explains what the "$80" taxes (per capita) are s...
The picturesque portrait of the industrious port of Genoa is introduced by an overview of the coastline that exemplarily combines the ancient beauty of the city of art, with its rich architectural her...
The Tiber Island, a characteristic green oasis and ancient walls in the heart of Rome, is the place where the typical activities related to the river take place.
The documentary describes the experience of domestic workers who come to Rome from the province and tells about their leisure time.
The second episode of this monthly news program about the European Recovery Program describes events in four nations. Germany signs the ECA agreement, and ERP exhibitions open in Berlin and Düsseldor...
31117 - Argonne - Fontaine houillette (Fontaine-Houyette, Argonne)
31118 - Argonne - View over the city of La Harazée Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
32992 - Champagne - Saint Martin church in Suippes (Marne) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
264 - Mont haut - French cabin (Marne) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
388 - Verdun - Ravin de la Caillette
0115 - Butte de Souain - Boyau de Jura (Marne)
31112 - Mailly - Russian troups (Mailly-Maillet, Somme, Picardie)
31105 - Verdun - Excavated bodies Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
In the mountains of Austria, Norway and Italy, in France's Rhone Valley - Europe is harnessing waterways and building large power plants to supply much-needed, cheap electricity to Europe's revitalize...
A central message of the modernization program, which was the ERP, lay in the promise that the increase in productivity would also, and above all, benefit the consumer via the resulting fall in prices...
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation Program. Set in post-war Germany, the film tells the story of the Stadtmeier couple, who are on their way to vi...
Winter 1945: emergency aid for victims and orphans provided by a charity organisation.
The film is fully in the tradition of ethnographic documentary. The description of the Somali capital refers to the same cinematic medium, between the white of the ancient architecture of different pe...
This series includes twelve films that report on economic successes and progress in various countries of Euopa. All but the film on France have been preserved. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
Film extracts and sequences illustrating the French cinema and denouncing the taxes for the film industry.
A plane lands in Berlin, passengers leave the plane and pass through customs, suitcases are unloaded. Ride by cab or bus into the city. Chancellor Adenauer on the bus to Berlin. Stream of refugees in ...