Impressions from one or more trips through Europe in the late 1940s (1947?), visiting many cities and countries. Despite visible war damage, the first part appears as a classic tourist film with short...
"A love story, not only, it probably revolves around passion, but also around dear money." - (Lovers); "In 1950, 340 - 350,000 apartments were completed, in them can accommodate 1.5 million residents,...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
This film reports on the mobilization in Paris in favor of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on the eve of their execution, which took place on June 19, 1953 in the United States. It is mainly the protest th...
A man goes down to fetch water from the fountain, then women go down to pick flowers in the garden. Panoramic of Sisteron station where people are waiting for a train. Arrival of the train at the stat...
Work at sea on board the Franc-Tireur, a Bigouden trawler based in Concarneau. This documentary describes the hardships of the fishermen "20 days at sea, 2 days on land": nets that are thrown out acco...
This film begins by showing a gathering of workers taking place outdoors near the SECMO offices. A man speaks; the participants, seated on the grass, vote by show of hands on proposed motions. A secon...
A depiction of the World Youth Festival in Prague in July 1947. The celebration of the idea of multiculturalism through the scenes of Prague sightseeing, collective sport activities, visits to cultura...
26580 - Vosges - Skieurs allemands
23125 - Argonne - Popote en la ligne
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
23141 - Tilloloy - Chateau (Tieuloy, Département Somme, Picardie)
23112 - Église de Bailly (Oise, Picardie)
22860 - Arras - Quartier de la gare (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
Millions of Europeans, refugees and deportees, return to their homeland. The film shows the Americans' organized transfer of displaced persons, as well as the arrival in the Soviet zone of hundreds of...
During the grape harvest, two women trample the grape in Montmartre and pour the juice in the bottle. On its label, Truman and Stalin clink glasses.
The French government introduces a rental tax intended to finance the improvement and maintenance of housing.
Reopening of the Eiffel Tower to the public after the WWII and the German occupation.
Il documentario illustra l'impiego dell'alluminio, definito "il metallo del secolo", nella costruzione di edifici ad uso abitativo, di alberghi, di impianti sportivi
1 - panoramiche su alcune cit...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
An amateur film depicting physics lessons at a rural primary school. Boys and girls engage in physical experiments and count, the film also shows an examination. The author is probably a teacher.
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation program. A radio reporter for women's issues provokes in his broadcast with the suggestion that women should co...