This three-part film is devoted to the French occupation zone in Germany, with first a historical reminder of the causes and key dates of the WWII and then, an overview of the revival of German econom...
1 - Stazione ferroviaria di Padova: facchino spinge carrello carico di valige
2 - cumuli di macerie a lato banchina
3 - folla di persone in attesa della partenza di un treno
4 - uomini ...
1 - scene di bombardamenti durante la seconda guerra mondiale
2 - volto di un anziano
3 - volto di una donna
4 - la testa di una giovane donna mentre si volta per guardarsi intorno
I beni artistici e culturali della Calabria e lo sviluppo urbanistico e industriale delle città principali; le località turistiche dell'altopiano della Sila e l'ampliamento del porto di Reggio Calab...
Cantieri, lavori pubblici, attività industriali, scuole e moderne infrastrutture nella Sardegna della ricostruzione postbellica.
1 - Due colossali gru girevoli nei pressi del porto di Cagliari
1 - Un'asta indica alcuni punti su una cartina dell'Italia
2 - bambini in grembiule scuro con fiocco bianco, bambine in grembiule bianco con fiocco azzurro
3 - esplosione da bocche di cannon...
The work of the Blood Transfusion Association in the Bathgate area, and an appeal to "become a regular donor".
The documentary recalls the war, with the destruction of all the towns around Cassino city and its famous abbey, until the rebirth of the town and its inhabitants.
The desertification of the French countryside takes tragic proportions, for instance in Goudron. The film presents the solutions to avoid the concentric madness of cities: modernization of agriculture...
"I monumenti italiani e la guerra" is a documentary showing the vast war damages on Italian art heritage, as well as the long but mostly successful restoration process that followed. It was realised b...
Austrian Headquarters for Jewish Agency, man at table, in headquaters, people boarding buses, through Austria, Sign "Camp CH.N.Bialik, street Jewish Agency Palestine Immigration office, sending goods ...
After having joined Italy again in 1954, the city of Trieste witnessed the flourishing of trade port and an increase of the employment rate. Some of its former citizens left Yugoslavia and moved to th...
To manage the increase in the number of school children and students, classrooms in prefabricated materials have been installed in schools and colleges which have become too cramped.
Le Havre is the most destroyed harbourg on the continent. While the war is over, men clear the ruins to make room for the new docks. Commentary on aerial views of the port and the excavation and recon...
Through Charley's journey, the cartoon seeks to underline the disadvantages of traditional cities and the need for new, functional and hygienic cities.
This cartoon seeks to persuade us of the di...
The documentary shows the efforts to rebuild, firstly in a temporary and then in definitive, the principal railway stations and lines to reconnect physically and economically the entire country.