Der Rentner Pierre war in jungen Jahren ein echter Lebemann. Mit den Jahren aber ist ein etwas missgelaunter älterer Herr aus ihm geworden, der sich in ein einsames Seniorenleben zurückgezogen hat -...
Helene Hegemanns Verfilmung ihres eigenen Romans "Axolotl Roadkill". Im Mittelpunkt steht die 16-jährige Mifti, die seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter mit ihren älteren Halbgeschwistern Anika und Edmond in B...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 11. Juni 2014 stellte Johannes Naber seinen Film "Zeit der Kanni...
Nach der Dokumentation "Die Nordsee von oben" widmen sich Silke Schranz und Christian Wüstenberg der deutschen Ostseeküste. Die Küstenlinien messen insgesamt über 2000 Kilometer, und die Route fü...
Dokumentarfilm über die Schriftstellerin Elfriede Jelinek. Die Nobelpreisträgerin scheidet die Geister, sie wurde als Wunderkind bezeichnet und als Vaterlandsverräterin beschimpft, zeigte sich als ...
Mortimer Folchart und seine Tochter Meggie verfügen über eine besondere Gabe: Wenn sie laut aus ihren Büchern vorlesen, können sie dadurch die Figuren der Romane zu realem Leben erwecken. Allerdin...
Millions of Europeans, refugees and deportees, return to their homeland. The film shows the Americans' organized transfer of displaced persons, as well as the arrival in the Soviet zone of hundreds of...
During the grape harvest, two women trample the grape in Montmartre and pour the juice in the bottle. On its label, Truman and Stalin clink glasses.
The French government introduces a rental tax intended to finance the improvement and maintenance of housing.
Reopening of the Eiffel Tower to the public after the WWII and the German occupation.
Il documentario illustra l'impiego dell'alluminio, definito "il metallo del secolo", nella costruzione di edifici ad uso abitativo, di alberghi, di impianti sportivi
1 - panoramiche su alcune cit...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
An amateur film depicting physics lessons at a rural primary school. Boys and girls engage in physical experiments and count, the film also shows an examination. The author is probably a teacher.
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation program. A radio reporter for women's issues provokes in his broadcast with the suggestion that women should co...
The black-and-white film "Baroque in Reconstruction" by Ernst Hirsch dates from 1951/52 and shows reconstruction work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945. The inter...
Vacationers visit the Place de la Concorde in Paris and look at the Luxor obelisk and the Hôtel de Crillon. In the distance you can see the Eiffel Tower and children launch boats in a small body of w...
Greek villagers return to their homes in the mountains, destroyed first in the fight against the Germans and then in the civil war. The film shows how laboriously and agonizingly these people rebuild ...
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
Educational documentary for workers at the Fiat about the speed of work and how to optimase the rhythm of work.
The footage shows the loading of a cargo of mass produced FIAT 1900 berlinas on a Italcielo boat. From the Genoa seaport the cars are shipped and delivered abroad .
Czechoslovak newsreel depicting European workers' conference, peace march, assembly of the best lathes, spring work in agriculture, scrap processing, and production of new cars.
The film depicting the circumstances of the Slavic Agricultural Exhibition reflects on the possibilities of international cooperation in the field of agriculture and forestry.