Der junge Amerikaner Casey reist als Rucksacktourist durch Deutschland. Als seine Freundin Juliette erkrankt und Geld für eine überlebenswichtige OP benötigt, springt er als Fahrer für eine Bande ...
Kinderfilm nach der populären, gleichnamigen Fernsehserie. Fritz Fuchs, der aus der Serie bekannte Erfinder, hat gerade sein neuestes Werk vollendet: einen solarbetriebenen Paraglider. Dann aber werd...
Im Finnland des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts lebt ein zehnjähriger, stummer Junge mit seiner allein erziehenden Mutter auf einem kleinen Hof in der Wildnis, fernab der Zivilisation. Der Vater des Jungen,...
Der alte Farmer Abga lebt mit seiner Enkelin Asida in Georgien am Fuße des Kaukasus-Gebirges. Eines Tages beschließt er, auf einer kleinen Insel auf dem Enguri-Fluss Mais anzupflanzen. Die Insel ent...
The documentary film accompanies a project by chorographer Heike Henning who invited four former professional dance performancers, who were all nearing the age of 80, to return to the stage despite th...
The desertification of the French countryside takes tragic proportions, for instance in Goudron. The film presents the solutions to avoid the concentric madness of cities: modernization of agriculture...
"I monumenti italiani e la guerra" is a documentary showing the vast war damages on Italian art heritage, as well as the long but mostly successful restoration process that followed. It was realised b...
Austrian Headquarters for Jewish Agency, man at table, in headquaters, people boarding buses, through Austria, Sign "Camp CH.N.Bialik, street Jewish Agency Palestine Immigration office, sending goods ...
After having joined Italy again in 1954, the city of Trieste witnessed the flourishing of trade port and an increase of the employment rate. Some of its former citizens left Yugoslavia and moved to th...
To manage the increase in the number of school children and students, classrooms in prefabricated materials have been installed in schools and colleges which have become too cramped.
Le Havre is the most destroyed harbourg on the continent. While the war is over, men clear the ruins to make room for the new docks. Commentary on aerial views of the port and the excavation and recon...
Through Charley's journey, the cartoon seeks to underline the disadvantages of traditional cities and the need for new, functional and hygienic cities.
This cartoon seeks to persuade us of the di...
The documentary shows the efforts to rebuild, firstly in a temporary and then in definitive, the principal railway stations and lines to reconnect physically and economically the entire country.
Algiers solemnly welcomed the bodies of 135 Algerian fighters who fell in the battles of Italy, France and Germany during the WWII.
Report on the construction of the future "Palais des festivals" which will host the ceremonies and screenings of the next Cannes International Film Festival.
The trial of Marshal Pétain for high treason lasts four weeks in July and August 1945. The last days of the trial: the witnesses, the closing speech of the prosecutor, the pleadings of the lawyers, t...
At the start of the new school year, report on the construction of new schools and on the installation of temporary classrooms in prefabricated barracks to face the increase in the number of children.
A documentary film drawing attention to the dangers of pickpockets in public places - at a fair, in a cinema and on a tram. It uses reenactment, but pretends to be a hidden camera that observes what i...
The black-and-white film by Ernst Hirsch from 1959 was a commissioned production for the GDR's Deutsche Fernsehfunk. It shows the path that the art treasures, e.g. of the Green Vault and the Picture G...
The black-and-white film "Putti" is a collaborative work of the so-called amateur film studio of the Kulturbund Dresden from 1952, in which Ernst Hirsch acted as cameraman and the later DEFA director ...
The city of Dresden was bombed by the Allies during the night of the 13th to the 14th of February 1945. Canadian army captures Kleve on February 26th.