Experimentelle und zugleich texttreue Adaption der Erzählung "Lenz" von Georg Büchner: Die Regisseurin Isabelle Krötsch und der Schauspieler Hans Kremer reisten auf den Spuren des Texts nach Walder...
Dem elfjährigen Jonas fällt zuhause die Decke auf den Kopf. Seit Papas Tod ist nichts mehr, wie es war, und er will nur noch weg. Über die Sommerferien in die Slowakei, zu seinem Opa, genauso wie f...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 18. Dezember 2016 stellte Regisseur Florian Hoffmeister seinen F...
Als der Schauspieler Günter Lamprecht 2014 zur Sonderausstellung Fassbinder – JETZT. Film und Videokunst im Deutschen Filmmuseum zu Gast war, wünschte er sich, Erwin Keuschs "Das Brot des Bäckers...
The Right of the Strong A car bomb explodes outside a Berlin cinema as inside an Israeli film celebrates its premiere. The trail of evidence leads to the video blog of 18-year-old Jana. What might hav...
Ein Luxushotel im arabischen Krisengebiet. Die deutsche Entwicklungshelferin Dorothea ist dabei, mit Charity-Empfängen für ihr Hilfsprojekt Spenden einzuwerben – erfolgreich auch aufgrund des Alko...
Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in co...
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
1 - Campagna ed abitato di San Vittore
2 - crepe e danni sulla torre campanaria e sulla pittura di un affresco
3 - un favo brulicante di api su una superficie dipinta raffigurante un volto s...
Images from Paris and Parisians during the winter
Transport and presentation, as part of the Paris' Fair, of a prefabricated house.
Views from the Sacré Coeur area in Paris, with a painter and a wine fest.
Documentario sullo sviluppo urbanistico e sociale di Roma nel secondo dopoguerra.
1 - rassegna di topografie che illustrano lo sviluppo urbanistico di Roma dal 1871 al 1943
2 - immagini dei ...
La dura giornata di lavoro dei muratori nel cantiere per la costruzione dello stadio Olimpico a Roma.
1 - l'uomo direziona la gru che trasporta la colata di calce, un carretto trainato da un cava...
One of the films of the Strength of the Free World television program, produced for U.S. viewers and broadcast by the ABC television network. The three cities of Naoussa, Trieste and West Berlin are l...
One of the films of the Strength for the Free World television program and probably the film that best explained the aid program to Americans. The film explains what the "$80" taxes (per capita) are s...
The picturesque portrait of the industrious port of Genoa is introduced by an overview of the coastline that exemplarily combines the ancient beauty of the city of art, with its rich architectural her...
The Tiber Island, a characteristic green oasis and ancient walls in the heart of Rome, is the place where the typical activities related to the river take place.
The documentary describes the experience of domestic workers who come to Rome from the province and tells about their leisure time.
The second episode of this monthly news program about the European Recovery Program describes events in four nations. Germany signs the ECA agreement, and ERP exhibitions open in Berlin and Düsseldor...
While on vacation in Paris, the vacationers visit Notre-Dame de Paris and walk along the Seine River.
Playful promotional film with elements of melodramatic reenactment shows the spa town of Karlovy Vary and its facilities for treatment of heart diseases.