Dokumentarfilm über Mitarbeiter der Initiative "Clowns ohne Grenzen", die in verschiedenen Aufnahmeeinrichtungen Asylbewerber in Deutschland begrüßen. Die Filmemacher begleiten vier der Clowns bei ...
Dokumentarfilm über die schwedische Künstlerin Hilma af Klint, die – wie sich erst in den 1980er Jahren herausstellte – schon 1906 abstrakte Gemälde schuf und somit den bis dahin angenommenen B...
Realfilm nach den Geschichten der berühmten Schweizer Comicfigur "Papa Moll". Im Film hat Papa Moll alle Hände voll zu tun, denn er muss Überstunden in der Schokoladenfabrik machen und sich zudem e...
Der Dokumentarfilm porträtiert eine Reihe von Wiener Rentnern jenseits der 70, die allesamt treue Stammbesucher des Bellaria-Kinos sind. Das Bellaria ist ein kleines, unscheinbares Programmkino in ei...
The American FriendJonathan is a craftsman living with his family in the city of Hamburg where he has a small workshop for his painting. One day a Frenchmen appears on the scene, making him an incredi...
Fortsetzung der gleichnamigen TV-Serie aus den frühen 2000er-Jahren. Lolles Hochzeit mit Hart nimmt eine mehr als ungeahnte Wendung, als ihr Ex-Freund Sven in die Feierlichkeiten hineinplatzt und sel...
Naturdokumentation, gefilmt in deutschen Wäldern, Wiesen und Gebirgen. Vielfältig setzt Regisseur Jan Haft die hiesige Wildnis in Szene und verwendet dafür auch Stilmittel wie Zeitraffer und Ultra-...
A "School for Officers" is established at the historic "Ecole Militaire" in Paris. Staff officers and senior officials from all 14 NATO countries are trained with the aim of forming an effective defen...
The documentary black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows Sorbian Easter riders on their procession from Bautzen to Radwor/Radibor in April 1954. The film also shows securing work on the roof of t...
A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
The film was shot on the occasion of the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 in Bucharest. It tells the story of a high school graduate who is supposed to work in production in a socialist y...
First, pictures of pre-war Hanover are shown, followed by the result of the Second World War, the rubble landscape of Hanover. Then the beginning and the individual steps of the reconstruction until t...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
The story of the INA-Casa project begins with the architect's study, which from the design of luxurious villas moves on to houses for the people, giving an account of a project functional to the indus...
An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
Set of seven film documents shot just after the signature of the Blum-Byrnes agreements, between the French and American governments, authorizing the wider release of American films on French territor...
On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
Letter from a French student to a German politician in which she presents him with her father's Cross of Merit. Flashback to the 1914-1918 war, Verdun, battlefields, cemetery. Pictures from the Ruhr a...
After various difficulties, an unemployed Italian finds a job at the “Aquila” refinery, which has been reconstructed thanks to the money and machinery sent by the United States through ECA. No dat...
A film gives a tour through a history and a cultural heritage of the town of Telč. It praises its historical architecture, namely the middle-age and Renaissance epochs. It frequently employs travelli...
An experimental building site near Paris was built just after the WWII. Inaugurating the policy of experimental sites led by the Ministry of Reconstruction and Town Planning, it reflects the will of t...