In seinem Dokumentarfilm begibt sich der Regisseur Mahmoud al-Massad auf den Weg in seine Geburtsstadt Sarka in Jordanien, die gleichzeitig die Heimatstadt des 2005 von den US-Truppen getöteten iraki...
Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Helge Schneider im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Oktober 2013
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bestsellers von David Mitchell. In parallelen Handlungssträngen werden sechs Einzelschicksale aus unterschiedlichen Zeitaltern erzählt, die auf ungeahnte Weise miteinand...
"Der Junker und der Kommunist" zeichnet das Leben Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenbergs (1891-1958) und Fritz Perlitz′ (1908-1972) nach, zweier Männer, deren Ideale unterschiedlicher kaum se...
The city of Warsaw is in ruins. A ceremony commemorates it, in the presence of Boleslaw Bierut and of the French Ambassador.
A presentation of how life of pacients in the spa town Poděbrady looks like told through a perspective of a patient. The film deals with the cultural and sports life of the city and its history.
Roger Gillet (1916-1974), a mechanical modeler by training and later head of a carpentry-cabinetmaking company, was a member of the PCF in the 20th arrondissement of Paris // In the mid-1950s, he took...
The ruins left by the war will be replaced by cities and buildings designed by architects. We already see some of their achievements, compared to the monuments of the past.
Living conditions are difficult for many elderly people in this winter. This episode denounces that French people who worked all their lives, fought during the WWI and gave their sons during this last...
The foreman at the construction site for a new dam in the Austrian alps explains to the audience, why electricity provided by water power will be key for the economic recovery and technological modern...
The latest electric locomotives, the 2D2 5500 combines comfort, speed and safety. The film follows the production, the routing and the transformation of the electric energy necessary for modern electr...
A documentary about youth brigades that are being offered for the reconstruction of Lidice. The film recalls the tragedy of Lidice and describes the work of international youth in the construction of ...
Une visite aux différentes demeures de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. La visite commence au Château de Stuyvenbergh, demeure de la Reine. La jardin, les fleurs, un petit bâtiment devant lequel se ...
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Newsreels from May 1949
Newsreels from May 1949
Semi-fictional touristic film on Belgium.
Dans ce film tourné en 1942 pour un public américain, le réalisateur trace un portrait de la modernisation en cours du Congo belge et de son rôle - et celui de tous ses habitants - dans l'effort d...