Komödie nach dem Roman "Sir or Madame"? von
Documentary on the 20th anniversary of the Symphonic orchestra.
Une visite aux différentes demeures de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. La visite commence au Château de Stuyvenbergh, demeure de la Reine. La jardin, les fleurs, un petit bâtiment devant lequel se ...
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Newsreels from May 1949
Newsreels from May 1949
Semi-fictional touristic film on Belgium.
Dans ce film tourné en 1942 pour un public américain, le réalisateur trace un portrait de la modernisation en cours du Congo belge et de son rôle - et celui de tous ses habitants - dans l'effort d...
Il cortometraggio racconta l'importante sviluppo dell'altopiano della Sila, soprattutto agricolo, con la gestione del nuove ente statale, Opera della Sila, e per la politica della riforma agraria.
Il cortometraggio racconta i lavori di ricostruzione del porto di Livorno dopo dieci anni dal bombardamento che lo ha distrutto e la vita marittima che riprende.
1 - veduta panoramica dalla colli...
Il cortometraggio racconta l'iniziale opera di bonifica dei terreni calabri per la futura esperienza della riforma agraria.
1 - panoramica dei territori calabri impervi ed in stato di abbandono a...
"Ci siamo mai chiesti chi sono, da dove vengono, come vivono gli ombrellari?". La vita solitaria delle donne di Secinaro, il 'paese degli ombrellari'. La giornata di lavoro di un ombrellaio raccontat...
The digging of the canal on the Rhône and the construction of a dam, between Donzère (Drôme) and Mondragon (Vaucluse) have started. This is the result of the Marshall plan for the hydroelectric ind...
Pierre Courant (Le Havre's mayor and Minister of Reconstruction and Urban Planning) offers the keys to three houses built as part of his program for the reconstruction of the city.
Research in today's Messina of the motifs, colors and themes that Antonello painted in his very own way.
Car ride, woman collecting berries on the roadside, debris in Halle (Saale), streetcar, Leipzig tower, market church. Viaduct in Gräfenthal (Thuringia). Woman playing with goats.
The film is preceded by the following message in the opening credits: "This is a translated version of a film produced under the supervision of the Information Control Division, Office of Military Gov...
The film evokes the demographic increase in France and the housing crisis to which the new constructions are struggling to respond, with real examples and fictional cases.
The film begins with ge...
An insight into a social life taking place in public cafeterias told from a perspective of a journalist-director. It presents the venue of public cafeteria in contrast to a luxurious restaurant. It de...
In an alpine ski resort, children from different countries spend the vacations together with their parents. Their playful competitions in the snow are marred by difficulties of understanding and natio...
Heilbronn after the destruction; reconstruction; housing construction; Swabian Regional Gymnastics Festival (1959). Film footage from 1945 to the mid-1960s.
The film depicts the work of workers climbing tall cranes and scaffolds in large shipyard facilities from a base 100 feet high. Filmed both from below and from the scaffolds, these workers are shown i...
Report on the "Fines" operation which consists in fining everyone who is caught red-handed 900 francs, whether they are pedestrians or motorists. A competition to find the best policeman and the best ...
1. 1951: Inauguration of the newly constructed Nordstadtbrücke in the presence of Minister President Reinhold Maier / 2. 1970: Inauguration of the Kanzlersteg over the river Enz / 3. 1971: Renovation...