Tre helt særlige jordegern, Alvin, Theodore og Simon, løber tilfældigt ind i den kriseramte sangskriver Dave Seville og beslutter at flytte ind hos ham. I håbet om at overbevise Dave om, at han sk...
Ursula Geyer-Hopfe, Peter René Lüdicke
De to bipersoner fra "Hamlet" er her kommet i centrum. De bliver kaldt til Helsingør af Kong Claudius i håb om at de, som er vokset op med Hamlet, kan få ham på fode igen. Da det ikke lykkes, send...
The work of the Blood Transfusion Association in the Bathgate area, and an appeal to "become a regular donor".
Tre velbjergede New Yorker-ungkarle får deres uforpligtende, sorgløse tilværelse sat i relief, da de pludselig får ansvaret for en 5 måneder gammel pige.
Om den benhårde officersuddannelse af en ung mand, og sideløbende en skildring af hans forhold til en ung pige.
Mr. Anestis, an old coachman, doesn’t want to change professions, even though cars now rule the road. He lives together with an orphan girl, Annoula, who was the beloved of a boy named Nikos, who ha...
Nicolette Krebitz, Marc Hosemann
Filmplakat von "Long Hello and Short Goodbye" (1999)
Nicolette Krebitz, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer
Tagging along with an older convict, Leonard, presumably a good youth, but a victim of unfortunate circumstance, breaks out of prison. When the older man is killed, Leonard cannot quite make it on his...
The subject-matter of this comedy is age-old: that of the schizophrenic soul. Papa would have liked boy twins years ago, but her wife gave birth to a single child weighing six kilograms. He would like...
Bellany - A Life, Death and Resurrection explores the life and work of the extraordinary Scots painter, John Bellany.
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
Perugia and its Italian University for foreign students.
Kriminaldrama (deutsch) nach dem Roman von
Romantisches Schauspiel (deutsch) nach dem Roman von
Lebensbild (deutsch) mit
Ehedrama (deutsch) mit
Liebesdrama (deutsch) nach dem Roman
Gesellschaftstragödie (deutsch) nach der Erzählung von
Emigrantenschauspiel (deutsch) mit
Artistendrama (deutsch) mit